RFK Jr is working within a system - he should be disrupting it. Imagine if Jeff Bezos decided to work with brick and mortar retailers instead of disrupting them. Imagine if Craigslist, iTunes, YouTube, Yelp, Travelocity, Uber, Airbnb, etc... decided the best course of action was to join industry leaders instead of disrupt them. Democracy is an information play - its about getting information into the hands of voters and giving them tools (apps) to organize and manage it. Election campaigning is no different than all the aforementioned startups. The way we disrupt the duopoly is by building an platform connecting candidates and voters directly and giving them all the tools necessary to do business (aka democracy) directly. Election campaignig is a business - an industry - don't let them fool you into thinking its something else.

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While I partially agree with you, I also think political positioning cannot be equated to private sector success. There is an element of long-term strategy and alliances here necessary to introduce new elements into the mix. Breaking apart the duopoly is no easy task - and cannot be accomplished in the first few months of it's undertaking. I do think this alliance sets up RFK Jr. to play a powerful role for the next four years, after which he's positioned to be a major player in the next presidential election.

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Let me preference this by saying I hope I'm wrong. There is nothing in Trumps 40 year public record, and certainly nothing in his 4 years as President, that would indicate he will do anything but use RFK Jr to win the election then, at the very first opportunity, "throw him under the bus." Trump is a vampire, he sucks the life out of those seduced by him - he does not partner with them.

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It's not simply a matter of ushering in yet another party along with Libertarian, Green, or Peace & Freedom which are always marginalized. We must also overhaul the voting method itself from only one choice to ranked choice. That is not only the most mathematically sound method for a truly democratic method, but also allows third party candidates an actual chance. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/see-how-math-could-design-the-perfect-electoral-system/

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